TUNKIA Solution for DC Energy Meter Verification

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TUNKIA DC Energy Meter Verification Products

TUNKIA has introduced a range of DC energy metering instruments, including metrology verification devices, Class 0.01 devices, reference standards, and 10ppm DC energy benchmarks. Currently, TUNKIA boasts the world’s most comprehensive DC energy metering product system, with exports reaching international markets.





Metrological Testing

TD1545 DC Energy Meters Verification Device

Class 0.02

Class 0.05

Direct connected energy meter; Indirect connected energy meter

DC shunt; DC shunt and direct connected energy meter

TD1550 DC Energy Meters Verification Device

Class 0.02

Class 0.05

TD1570 Indirect Connected DC Energy Meters Verification Device

Class 0.02

Class 0.05

Indirect connected DC energy meters

TD1575 DC Energy Meters Verification Device

Class 0.02

Class 0.05

Direct and indirect connected DC energy meters

TD1548 DC Energy Meter Comprehensive Verification Device

Class 0.01

Standard energy meter

Type Evaluation

TD1580 DC Energy Meters Comprehensive Testing Device

Class 0.02

Class 0.05

DC ripple effects, power supply changes, voltage reverse polarity, voltage sags and short interruptions, power consumption, etc.

TD3705 DC Energy Meter Alternating Magnetic Field Test Device

Class 0.05

External alternating magnetic field impact

TD3715 Constant Magnetic Field Test Device

Class 0.05

External alternating magnetic field impact

TD3755 DC Energy Testing Device for Electromagnetic Compatibility Test

Class 0.05

EMC test

Standard Meter

TD1310 Precision AC DC Standard Electrical Meter

Class 0.01

Class 0.02

Standard energy meter

TH1300 AC/DC Energy Power Standard

Class 0.005


A Suitable Combination for DC Energy Meter Verification: TD1545+TD1300

TD1545 DC Energy Meters Verification Device

TD1545 is a multi-functional instrument dedicated to the verification and calibration of DC electrical meter. It consists of DC voltage standard source, DC current standard source, DC small signal voltage source, DC standard virtual power source etc. It can verify not only conventional DC electrical measuring instruments, such as DC voltmeter/ammeter/power meter, but also DC shunt, direct and indirect connected DC energy meters.


• Accuracy: class 0.02, class 0.05

DC standard voltage source10 mV ~ 1150 V / 1550 Voption

DC standard current1 mA ~ 600 A

DC small signal voltage source(four-line)10 μV ~ 4.4 V

Standard electric energy pulse input/output, used to detect the working error of electric energy meter

A variety of quantity output adjustment methods

Portable and easy to integrate into the cabinet to form a test system

Support remote control adjustment output (option)

TUNKIA TD1545 DC Energy Meters Verification Device

Ordering Information

TUNKIA TD1545 DC Energy Meters Verification Device

TD1300 High-Precision DC Standard Meter 

TD1300 is a DC reference multimeter which integrates DC reference voltmeter, DC reference ammeter, small-signal voltmeter, DC electric energy measurement, ripple measurement and other functions. It is applicable to calibration of DC current source, DC voltage source, DC power source and assessment of DC electric energy metering device.


• Accuracy: Class 0.01, Class 0.02

DC voltage measurement10 mV ~ 1150 V

Direct measurement of DC current10 μA ~ 120 A

Support the transducer/sensor to expand the current range to500 A,1000A or more

Small signal voltage measurement0.1 mV ~ 12 V

All electric quantity measurements support full-automatic range switching.

Maximum DC ripple measurement bandwidth: 10 kHz.

Comprehensive statistics and analysis of the measured electricity

Standard electric energy pulse input / output

Communication interfaceUSB, RS232, LAN

TUNKIA TD1300 High-Precision DC Standard Meter

Ordering Information

TUNKIA TD1300 High-Precision DC Standard Meter


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 Address: NO.16 Panpan Road, Changsha
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