TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester

TD1230 applied to calibrate AC/DC withstanding voltage tester, withstanding voltage part of safety performance comprehensive tester, withstanding voltage part of insulation withstanding voltage tester and etc.
  • TD1230



TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester

TD1230 Testing Apparatus for Withstanding Voltage Tester

1. Summary

TD1230 applied to calibrate AC/DC withstanding voltage tester, withstanding voltage part of safety performance comprehensive tester, withstanding voltage part of insulation withstanding voltage tester and etc.

2. Features

AC/DC voltage measurement:100 V~15 kV.

AC/DC current measurement:0.1 mA~250 mA.

• Distortion / Ripple function and voltage duration time test function.

• Built-in adjustable resistive load with fineness of 1 kΩ.

• Optional high power load box (TD1240) help calibrate the output capacity.

• Oscilloscope and data statistical analysis function.

• LCD touch screen.

• Setting output values by keys.

• Notification of wire connection.

3. Applications

TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester tunkia

4. Characteristics

☆ Connection Tips

TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester tunkia

• Calibrating the voltage required high input voltage UH; but for current, only required 0.1 UH.

• Clear display connection tips to prevent failures or damage.

☆ Waveform Display and Statistical Analysis

TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester tunkia

• Display waveform in real time, and analysis the waveform distortion.

• Analysis the max, min, average and standard deviation etc.

☆ Adjustable Resistors for the Verification of Current

TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester tunkia

• Adjustable load of 6 kΩ~8MΩ with fineness of 1 kΩ, External load is also supported.

• The max input voltage at the current measurement terminal can reach 1500 V.

☆ Measurement of Distortion or Ripple

TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester tunkia

• Integrated distortion and ripple measurement functions can direct display.

☆ Voltage Duration Time Measurement

TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester tunkia

• Testing Voltage duration time, the device automatically detects the output voltage of the tester, record the time from UStart to UStop.

☆ Optional High Power Load Box for Output Capacity

TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester tunkia

• Optional TD1240 load box for withstanding voltage tester (or load box with other specifications) to verify the actual output capacity.

5. Specifications

5.1 AC/DC Voltage Measurement




±(ppm of reading + ppm of range) [1]

Class 0.5

Class 0.2

5 kV

0.1 V

4000 + 1000

1800 + 200

10 kV[2]

1 V

4000 + 1000

1800 + 200

15 kV[2]

1 V

4000 + 1000

1800 + 200

Note [1] : (ppm = parts per million) (e.g.,10ppm = 0.001%).

Note [2]: 10 kV, 15 kV ranges are selectable

• Measuring range: 100 V to 15 kV, 5-bit display, manual/automatic range switching

• Input impedance: 50 MΩ, true RMS response for AC, average response for DC

5.2 AC/DC Current Measurement




±(ppm of reading + ppm of range) [1]

Class 0.5

Class 0.2

2 mA

0.1 μA

4000 + 1000

1800 + 200

20 mA

1 μA

4000 + 1000

1800 + 200

200 mA

10 μA

4000 + 1000

1800 + 200

• Measurement range: 0.1 mA to 250 mA, 5-digit display, manual/automatic range switching

• Built-in adjustable resistive load of 6 kΩ~8MΩ with fineness of 1 kΩ

• True RMS response for AC, average response for DC

5.3 Other Functions





AC Frequency

45 Hz~65 Hz

0.1 Hz

± 0.2%

AC Voltage Distortion



± 0.5%

DC Voltage Ripple



± 0.2%

Voltage Duration Time

0.1 s~1000 s

0.001 s

AC:± (0.2%*RD + 2 periods)

DC:± (0.2%*RD + 40 ms)

6. General Specifications

Power Supply

AC ( 220 ± 22 ) V,( 50 ± 2 ) Hz

Temperature Performance

Working temperature:0℃~45℃;

Storage temperature:-20℃~70℃

Humidity Performance

Working humidity:< 80% @ 30℃,< 70% @ 40℃,< 40% @ 50℃

Storage humidity:(20%~80%) R·H,non-condensing



7. Ordering Information

TD1230 Verification Device for Withstanding Voltage Tester tunkia

TUKIA TD1230 Withstanding Voltage Tester Calibration Device  TUKIA TD1230 Withstanding Voltage Tester Calibration Device

TUKIA TD1230 Withstanding Voltage Tester Calibration Device  TUKIA TD1230 Withstanding Voltage Tester Calibration Device



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