Understanding Electrical Reference Standards

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1. What is Electrical Standards

An electrical reference standard is a calibrated and standardized device or system used in electrical metrology to provide accurate and traceable measurements of electrical parameters such as voltage, current, resistance, power, and energy. These standards serve as reference points against which other instruments or measurements can be compared to ensure accuracy and consistency. Electrical reference standards are typically highly precise instruments that adhere to internationally recognized standards and are used in various industries including electronics, telecommunications, power generation, and testing laboratories. They play a crucial role in maintaining the reliability and accuracy of electrical measurements and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

2. TUNKIA Reference Standards Products

To verify the performance of an electrical calibrator or dc calibrator, an electrical standard is needed. TUNKIA reference standards include standards of voltage, current and resistance; standard meters of current, voltage, resistance, power and energy; standard sources of current, voltage, resistance, power and energy.

2.1 Electrical Reference Standards

Our electrical reference standards products include DC voltage reference, voltage divider, current transformers, precision coaxial shunt, current shunt, and resistance standard, etc.

Voltage Standards

• TH0110 Programmable DC Voltage Reference Standard, 0~10 V adjustable, best accuracy 1.8 ppm@10 V (annual stability)

• TH0150 Wideband Voltage Divider, U1: 10 V~1 kV, U2: 10 V; best accuracy 5 ppm@53 Hz

• TH0180 Precision AC/DC High Voltage Divider, U1: 3 kV~35 kV, U2: 5 V, best accuracy 10 ppm@53 Hz

TH0110 Programmable DC Voltage Reference Standard tunkia

TH0150 Wideband Voltage Divider tunkia

TH0180 precision ac dc high voltage divider tunkia

TH0110 Programmable DC Voltage Reference Standard

TH0150 Wideband Voltage Divider

TH0180 Precision AC/DC High Voltage Divider

Current Standards

• TH0400 Precision Coaxial Shunt, I1: 1 mA~100 A, U2: 1 V; best accuracy 20 ppm@53 Hz

• TH0500 Precision Current Transformer, I1: 0.1 A~20 kA, I2: 0.1 A~5 A; best accuracy 2 ppm@DC

• TH0600 Precision AC Current Transformer, I1: 0.1 A~10 kA, I2: 0.1 A~1 A; best accuracy 5 ppm@53 Hz

TH0400 Precision Coaxial Shunt tunkia

TH0500 Precision Current Transformer tunkia

TH0600 Precision AC Current Transformer tunkia

TH0400 Precision Coaxial Shunt

TH0500 Precision Current Transformer

TH0600 Precision AC Current Transformer

Resistance Standards

• TH0300 High Power Resistor Standard, 0.1 Ω~10 Ω, best accuracy 5~15 ppm (annual stability)

• TH0310 Resistance Standard, 1 mΩ~100 MΩ, best accuracy 5~25 ppm (annual stability)

• TH0330 Ultra-Stable Resistance Standard, 1 Ω~10 kΩ, best accuracy 0.2 ppm (annual stability)

TH0300 High Power Resistor Standard tunkia

TH0310 Resistance Standard tunkia

TH0330 Ultra-Stable Resistance Standard tunkia

TH0300 High Power Resistor Standard

TH0310 Resistance Standard

TH0330 Ultra-Stable Resistance Standard

2.2 Electrical Reference Standard Meters

Voltage/Current Standard Meters

• TH0530 Precision Through-Core Ammeter, 0.5 A~2.2 kA, accuracy class 0.005 & class 0.01

• TH0195 AC DC Voltage Measuring Standard, 10 mV~10 V when direct measuring, supports V/V, I/V expansion, best accuracy 16 ppm@DC, 12 ppm@53Hz

• TH0210 Standard Resistance Measuring Device, 1 mΩ~100 kΩ, best accuracy 0.5 ppm

• TH3000 AC and DC Power Energy Measurement Standard, 1150V/120A, accuracy class 0.005

TH0530 Precision Through-Core Ammeter tunkia

TH0195 AC DC Voltage Measuring Standard tunkia

TH3000 AC and DC Power Energy Measurement Standard tunkia

TH0530 Precision Through-Core Ammeter

TH0195 AC DC Voltage Measuring Standard

TH3000 AC and DC Power Energy Measurement Standard

2.3 Electrical Reference Standard Sources

• TH1000 Ultra Stable Precision Current Source, 10 μA~300 A, best accuracy 15 ppm (typical value)

• TH0350 DC Bridges Calibrator, 100 μΩ~11 MΩ, accuracy class 0.005

• TH3900 DC Power Energy Reference Standard, 1150 V/600 A, best accuracy 10 ppm

TH1000 Ultra Stable Precision Current Source tunkia

TH0350 DC Bridges Calibrator tunkia

TH1000 Ultra Stable Precision Current Source

TH0350 DC Bridges Calibrator

TH3900 DC Power Energy Reference Standard

3. TUNKIA Reference Standards Product Catalog

To help you have an overview of our reference standards product, you can download the product catalog here to have a better understanding of our voltage standards, current standards, resistances standards, voltage standard meters, current standard meters, resistance standard metes, power and energy standard meters, and voltage standard sources, current standard sources, resistance standard sources and power and energy standard sources.

Product catalog of electrical reference standards

4. Videos about Electrical Reference Standards


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